AERGLO Muzro Smart
AERGLO Muzro Smart - Front View
AERGLO Muzro Smart - Top View - Touch Controls
AERGLO Muzro Smart - Back View - Available Ports
AERGLO Muzro Smart - What's in the box?
AERGLO Muzro Smart
AERGLO Muzro Smart - Front View
AERGLO Muzro Smart - Top View - Touch Controls
AERGLO Muzro Smart - Back View - Available Ports
AERGLO Muzro Smart - What's in the box?

Proyektor Baterai Cerdas Rumah & Bisnis Super Short Throw Aerglo Muzro INOVATIF

Harga normal Rp 4.988.000,00 IDR
Harga penjualan Rp 4.988.000,00 IDR Harga normal Rp 16.238.000,00 IDR
Harga satuan
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AERGLO Muzro Smart

Proyektor Baterai Cerdas Rumah & Bisnis Super Short Throw Aerglo Muzro INOVATIF

Harga normal Rp 4.988.000,00 IDR
Harga penjualan Rp 4.988.000,00 IDR Harga normal Rp 16.238.000,00 IDR
Harga satuan
Deskripsi Produk
Pengiriman & Pengembalian
  • Ukuran Palm dengan baterai bawaan
  • Speaker hi-fi terintegrasi yang keras dan imersif
  • Resolusi Video HD1080P
  • Pergeseran gambar tanpa mengangkatnya – fitur yang mulus dan mudah!
  • Pencerminan layar nirkabel internal mendukung iOS, Android, dan Windows.
  • Peningkatan kecerahan 6000 lumen
  • Teknologi warna manusia menghadirkan visual yang tajam dan kaya
  • Akses aplikasi YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, dan meWATCH bawaan untuk hiburan tanpa batas
  • Desain optik bersegel penuh melindungi mesin ringan dari debu
  • Ukuran layar proyektor dapat disesuaikan dari 30” hingga 150”
  • Hubungkan ke berbagai perangkat menggunakan Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB , HDMI , AV, dan lainnya
  • Termasuk kendali jarak jauh
Aerglo Muzro Smart Short Throw Projector - kontrol sentuh dan audio yang fantastis

Proyektor Cerdas Aerglo Muzro

Proyektor Cerdas Mini Aerglo Muzro - tunggu sebentar

Proyektor Jarak Pendek Portabel Cerdas

Proyektor Cerdas Aerglo Muzro menonjol dalam Desain & Kinerja ketika ditempatkan di ruangan yang penuh dengan perangkat bertabur bintang. Aerglo Muzro adalah Perangkat Cerdas yang berjalan pada 'Android untuk Proyektor' terbaru. Dilengkapi dengan baterai internal yang kuat, sehingga portabel untuk acara khusus, baik di dalam maupun di luar ruangan. Sangat mudah digunakan dengan Glidepad halus yang memiliki sensasi 'True -to-the-Touch' yang luar biasa. Sebuah Touchpad, itu 'di atas yang lain. Aerglo Muzro juga menawarkan speaker internal Dolby Sound hebat yang menghasilkan audio keras, jernih & tajam sehingga memberikan keunggulan dalam pengalaman mendengarkan. Tak heran jika Aerglo Muzro menjadi perangkat “Go-To” setiap kali Anda sampai di rumah.

Proyektor Cerdas Mini Aerglo Muzro - pemandangan air terjun

AST - Proyektor Short Throw yang Menakjubkan

Saatnya mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada proyektor tradisional yang selalu membutuhkan banyak ruang untuk memproyeksikan ukuran layar yang diinginkan. Proyektor Cerdas & Portabel Aerglo Muzro dirancang khusus untuk ruangan kecil seperti ruang tamu, kamar tidur, dan kantor. Ini memungkinkan Anda memproyeksikan hingga layar 80 inci dengan jarak kurang dari 2 meter dari layar atau dinding putih polos.

Proyektor Cerdas Mini Aerglo Muzro - Dilengkapi dengan aplikasi dan multimedia

Proyektor Cerdas Serbaguna yang Ramah Pengguna

Aerglo Muzro adalah pusat hiburan 'Serba Bisa' yang sempurna. OS Android bawaannya memungkinkan Anda menginstal aplikasi streaming video favorit seperti YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, dll. Bersama dengan speaker Dolby Sound bawaannya yang luar biasa yang menghasilkan audio yang keras, jernih, dan tajam, seperti biasanya Pengalaman Sinematik Rumah sejauh ini mendapat dorongan ekstra. Baik di sofa di Ruang Tamu, berbaring di Kamar Tidur, atau bahkan lebih baik lagi, di Kantor, buat rekan kerja Anda terkesan dengan presentasi Anda hanya dengan menghubungkan perangkat Anda seperti laptop, ponsel, dll. melalui port HDMI dan Wi-Fi masing-masing dalam Full HD.

Aerglo Muzro Smart Short Throw Projector - mengurangi rasa sakit pada mata Anda

Sangat Halus di Mata

Layar LCD/LED tradisional seperti TV dan monitor memproyeksikan sinar cahaya yang kuat langsung ke mata Anda. Hal ini menyebabkan ketegangan pada mata Anda yang menyebabkan kelelahan dan penurunan penglihatan Anda setelah penggunaan jangka panjang. Semua ini dapat dihilangkan dengan penggunaan Proyektor Cerdas Aerglo Muzro, dengan memproyeksikan gambar ke layar atau dinding putih polos, pencitraan pantulan yang tersebar lembut di mata dan mengurangi kelelahan bahkan setelah penggunaan berjam-jam.

Proyektor Short Throw Cerdas Aerglo Muzro untuk bermain game

Pengalaman Bermain Game yang Luar Biasa

Bayangkan memainkan game AAA di layar 100 inci baik dengan memainkan game di konsol, di PC, atau di ponsel Anda. Cukup sambungkan Konsol Game Anda seperti Xbox One, PS4, atau Nintendo Switch melalui port HDMI. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk PC, mengganti monitor hingga 100 inci atau lebih. Bukan itu saja, bermain game di ponsel kini bisa diproyeksikan hingga 100 inci atau lebih dan bermain game tidak akan pernah sama lagi.

Proyektor Short Throw Cerdas Aerglo Muzro mendukung video definisi tinggi penuh

Pengalaman Sinematik Penuh

Tidak seperti resolusi 720p lainnya pada proyektor berukuran serupa di pasaran, Proyektor Portabel Cerdas Aerglo Muzro mendukung format video hingga 1080p HD untuk rekaman paling tajam dan paling hidup yang pernah Anda lihat dari proyektor, bersama dengan suaranya yang keras dan jernih. , dan speaker Dolby Sound yang tajam, Anda akan mendapatkan Pengalaman Sepenuhnya.

Proyektor Cerdas Mini Aerglo Muzro - Kontrol sentuh

Sebuah touchpad di atas yang lain

Proyektor Cerdas Aerglo Muzro hadir dengan glide pad 'True-to-the-Touch' yang halus dan sangat Ramah Pengguna. Sangat mudah sehingga Anda tidak akan merasakan glitch transisi dari penggunaan Ponsel. Pada dasarnya, ini seperti menggunakan ponsel, hanya saja lebih baik, ia dapat memproyeksikan apa pun yang Anda inginkan hingga 100 inci atau lebih.

Aerglo Muzro Smart Short Throw Projector cocok dimasukkan ke dalam tas untuk bisnis

Cerdas Di Mana Saja & Saat Berpergian

Proyektor Portabel Cerdas Aerglo Muzro dibuat dengan sempurna dengan desain kecil dan ramping yang membuatnya menonjol di ruangan yang penuh dengan gadget 'bertabur bintang'. Dibuat dengan bahan paduan premium dan baterai yang dapat bertahan hingga 2 jam, ini adalah pusat hiburan sempurna yang dapat Anda bawa ke mana saja. Anda akan terhibur kemanapun Anda pergi dengan proyeksi.

Spesifikasi Proyektor

Jenis Tampilan Proyektor: DLP
Tingkat Pelemparan Proyektor: 1.3
Kecerahan Ruangan dan Ukuran Proyeksi Optimal: Kamar Gelap - 200"
Ruangan Redup - 100"
Kamar Terang - 60"
Teknologi Warna Manusia Proyektor: Ya
Sumber Cahaya Proyektor: OSRAM LED RGB 3
Jam Lampu LED Proyektor: >30.000 jam
Resolusi Video Proyektor: HD1080P
Keseragaman Pencahayaan Proyektor: >88%
Offset Gambar Proyektor: 100%
Mode Proyeksi: Depan, Belakang, Plafon, Samping
Sistem TV
Sistem Proyektor: Android AOSP
RAM Proyektor: 1GB
Netflix: Ya
Koreksi Kemiringan Gambar Proyektor: Vertikal Otomatis, & 4 sudut
Pencerminan Layar Proyektor: Android, iOS, Windows
Toko Aplikasi Proyektor: Aptoide
Penyimpanan: 12GB (Dapat Diperluas)
Audio & Masukan
Pembicara: Hi-Fi 2,5W
Keluaran Bluetooth: Ya (Hubungkan dengan speaker BT)
Suara keluar: Garis keluar (3,5 mm)
USB: 2
Mikro SD: 1
Panel Sentuh Proyektor: 1
Wi-Fi & Lainnya
Internet: Nirkabel
Pita Ganda 2.4Ghz/5Ghz
Bluetooth: BT 5.0
Baterai Bawaan: 1,5~2,5 jam
Konsumsi Daya Siaga: <0,5W
Konsumsi daya: <30W
Kebisingan: <32dB (Diam)
Suhu Kerja: 0 hingga 40℃
Suhu Penyimpanan: -20 hingga 65 ℃

Unveiling the Truth: Why Some Projector Reviews Can't Be Trusted

"Discover why some projector reviews may be misleading and how to navigate the pitfalls of biased assessments. Learn why transparency and integrity matter when making informed purchasing decisions."

In today's digital age, the internet is flooded with product reviews, promising to provide consumers with unbiased insights to make informed purchasing decisions. However, not all reviews are created equal, and discerning between genuine evaluations and biased endorsements can be challenging, especially in the realm of projector reviews. At INNOVATIVE, we value transparency and integrity above all else, which is why we've chosen to shed light on why some projector reviews may not be trustworthy, and why we've made the conscious decision not to follow suit.

Paid Promotions Disguised as Reviews:
Many so-called "reviews" are nothing more than paid promotions disguised as impartial assessments. In exchange for monetary compensation or free products, some reviewers may embellish the virtues of a particular projector while conveniently overlooking its shortcomings. As a result, unsuspecting consumers are misled into believing they're receiving unbiased advice when, in reality, they're being swayed by hidden agendas.

Lack of Expertise and Experience:
In the vast landscape of online reviews, anyone with an internet connection can position themselves as an expert reviewer, regardless of their actual knowledge or experience. While some reviewers may possess genuine expertise, others may lack the technical understanding necessary to conduct thorough evaluations. Consequently, their reviews may be superficial, incomplete, or even misleading, ultimately doing a disservice to consumers seeking reliable guidance.

Affiliate Marketing Incentives:
Affiliate marketing programs incentivize reviewers to promote specific products by offering them a commission for every sale generated through their referral links. While there's nothing inherently wrong with affiliate marketing, it can create a conflict of interest if reviewers prioritize earning commissions over providing honest assessments. As a result, their reviews may be biased in favor of products that yield higher financial rewards, rather than those that genuinely deserve recognition.

At INNOVATIVE, we believe in transparency, authenticity, and genuine consumer empowerment. We understand the importance of reliable information when making purchasing decisions, which is why we refuse to engage in or endorse practices that compromise the integrity of product reviews. By exposing the pitfalls of untrustworthy projector reviews, we aim to empower consumers to make informed choices based on merit, quality, and genuine value. Because when it comes to investing in a projector, trust and credibility should never be compromised.


As covered by the warranty, we do 1-1 exchanges or repairs for product faults, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange once the shipping packaging has been opened and definitely when product has been used.

However, we do have a 10 days upgrade policy where you may like to upgrade to better model, feel free to pop by our showroom, play around and top up the difference for a better model. 

To be eligible for an upgrade, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

Several types of goods are exempt from being refunded, such as projector screens and projector accessories and cannot be returned or upgraded once used or open.

To complete your return/upgrade, we require a receipt or proof of purchase.

There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted (if applicable)
Any item not in its original condition is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error.
Any item that is returned more than 10 days after delivery.

Refunds (if applicable)

Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.
If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment within a certain amount of days.

Late or missing refunds (if applicable)
If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.
Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.
Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.
If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at

Sale items (if applicable)
Only regular priced items may be refunded, unfortunately sale items cannot be refunded.

Exchanges (if applicable)

We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange it for the same item, send us an email at or WhatsApp us +65 9111 1255 and share with us your situation with your purchase receipt.


If the item was marked as a gift when purchased and shipped directly to you, you’ll receive a gift credit for the value of your return. Once the returned item is received, a gift certificate will be mailed to you.

If the item wasn’t marked as a gift when purchased, or the gift giver had the order shipped to themselves to give to you later, we will send a refund to the gift giver and he will find out about your return.


To return your product, you should mail your product to: 1 Rochor Canal Road #05-71, Singapore 188504

You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.

Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.

If you are shipping an item over $75, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.

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